Earth & Space Sciences Programs
Fossils and Erosion
Yr 4 - Yr 6
Do you have budding Paleontologists in your school?
Students work through curriculum linked activities discovering the secret of fossils, investigating man made weathering & erosion and its global effects.
Curriculum links for the respective years will be provided upon booking.
Terrariums and The Water Cycle
Yr 3- Yr 4
Collection! evaporation! Condensation! and Precipitation! Students will learn about the amazing world of water and will make their own mini terrarium to take home.
Curriculum links for the respective years will be provided upon booking.
PP - Yr 6
There are two version available for this program, one for the younger students and the other for the older students. In both programs, students have the opportunity to use their creativity to design their own planets.
Junior version: Students participate in hands on activities to learn all about Our solar system and how our Earth & other planets in our solar system orbit the Sun.
Senior version: Students identify the planets of our solar system and compare how long they take to orbit our sun in a series of hand on activities. There is also an activity to understand day & night and compare the length of an "Earth day" to other planets in our solar system.
Curriculum links for the respective years will be provided upon booking.
Seismographs and Tectonic Plates
Yr 4 - Yr 6
Do you have budding Seismologists in your school?
Students work through curriculum linked activities exploring the different plate boundaries & duplicating them while learning how to measure the intensity of an earthquake.
Curriculum links for the respective years will be provided upon booking.
Explore Solar
Yr 4 - Yr 6
What is solar energy and why is it so important to our environment? Students learn about solar energy & discover how it can replace fossil fuel energy and single use batteries through hands on activities.
Curriculum links for the respective years will be provided upon booking.