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Biological Sciences Programs

The Human Body Series
Germs! Germs! Germs!
(Kindy - Yr 6)

We are putting the "A" into STEAM with this program.  Students learn about types of germs, investigate how they are spread & what we can do to prevent spreading them. We also discuss good bacteria and it's real life applications.


Curriculum links for the respective years will be supplied upon booking.



The Human Body Series
What's Inside Of Me - Under My Skin
Yr 4 - Yr 6

This program requires a minimum of one Ipad between two students. (Schools to provide. Conditions apply)

Students discover how we walk upright, investigate the components of blood and the why and how behind scab formation.  They learn how much blood is inside their bodies and also use technology to see inside our various systems.


Curriculum links for the respective years will be supplied upon booking.

The Human Body Series
Breathing, Blood & Boogers
(Yr 4 - Yr 6)

What does your heartbeat sound like? How does blood move around your body? Why do you produce snot?  All this will be revealed as we investigate our circulatory & respiratory systems.


Curriculum links for the respective years will be supplied upon booking.






All About Worms & HB Breathing, Blood & Boogers
HB - Germs & HB - Whats Inside Me
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